💚 Natural pain relief without painkillers 👨⚕ Avoid costly chiropractor bills 🩸 Relieves discomfort by activating pressure
✅Reduce swelling, relieve foot neuropathy, diabetic foot pain, plantar fasciitis and most foot-related issues
✅Increase energy, heal injury symptoms and boost performance
✅Bamboo fabric benefits- thermoregulating, antibacterial, wicking sweat and preventing odour
Why do we need compression sleeves?
We wear compression sleeves toimprove blood flowin our legs. Compression sleeves gently squeeze the foot to move blood up our legs. This helpsprevent swellingandblood clotsto a lesser extent. If you have any kind of foot pain, plantar fasciitis, neuropathy, or have just had surgery, yourhealth care provider may prescribe compression sleeves.
Purpose-built for comfort and engineered for performance.
Combat Symptoms of Neuropathy
Compression sleeves can relieve neuropathy issues concerning blood flow, as they are known for their ability to improve blood circulation. Studies have shown that compression sleeves can help those living with diabetes and lower extremity oedemas.
Prevent And Relieve Swelling
Compression sleeves are made to helpcontrol swelling in the feet, ankles, and lower legs. Benefits include helping to squeeze these areas to prevent the build-up of fluid in the tissue.
Diabetic Foot Pain
Compression sleeves can helpcombat symptomsof the disease byreducing swelling, aches, pain, and fatiguein the legs and feet. They are a viablenon-invasive treatment methodfordiabetic patientssuffering from poor circulation and nerve damage to thefeet and legs.
Speed Up Recovery
When compression sleeves arerecommended after surgery, they should usually be worn as much as possible, day and night, until you're able to move around freely. Compression sleeves are used after surgery toprevent blood clotsfrom developing in the leg, which is known asdeep vein thrombosis (DVT).